Please note: The Town has adopted the 2015 Building, Fire, and related codes under Ordinance 709.
17.03.030 - Categories of development approvals.
Any development in the Town must obtain one of the following development approvals:
- Permitted Use approval. (Commercial and Residential) See 17.03.050 for approval process. A permitted use approval is required for any use or development. (The Town Manager can approve.)
- Site Plan approval. (Commercial and Industrial) See 17.03.060 for approval process. Site Plan Approval is required prior to commencing any commercial or industrial development, except for the following: (Town Manager or Planning & Zoning Commission approves)
- Restoration of a structure that has been damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, flood, tornado, riot, act of public enemy, or accident or a natural disaster of any kind, as long as use of the structure does not change.
- Construction work that does not change the use or increase the existing floor area by more than one thousand (1,000) square feet.
- Construction of accessory structures less than one thousand (1,000) square feet in area.
- Use by Special Review approval. (All Zoning Districts) See 17.03.070 for approval process. A Use by Special Review approval is required in all zoning districts where the applicant seeks to develop, change a use, or expand by more than two hundred (200) square feet any use that is a Use by Special Review in the zoning district v,1here the use will be located. (Planning & Zoning Commission approves)
- Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay approval. See 17.03.080 for approval process. A PUD Overlay approval is required where the applicant seeks to develop a lot pursuant to section 17.03.080 herein.
(Ord. 454 § 1, 2000)
17.04.025 - Uses prohibited in all zone districts.
Junkyards are prohibited in all zone districts.
All development approvals, zoning inquiries, verifications, permits, fence permits, and sign permits shall be formally approved in writing and/or issued by the Town Manager (17.03.030 - Categories of development approvals). Any inquiry response or information provided to an applicant by anyone other than the Town Manager is not recommended and may not be considered during review and processing.
The Town of Kremmling partners with the Grand County Community Department to assist with New Construction and Building Inspections. Depending on the zoning of a project a Use by Special Review may be required.
To schedule a Zoning Inspection (setback) for a building permit or for questions about annexation, subdivisions, zoning, fences, signs, and use by special review contact the Town Manager at 970-724-3249.
For questions or inspections regarding Building Permits contact the Grand County Community Development Department at 970-725-3225.