An emergency ordinance amending chapter 13.04 of the Kremmling Municipal code concerning water service outisde town limits; setting forth certain parameters; authorizing officials of the town to take all necessary action and ratifying actions previously taken, introduced read on first reading, approved and ordered published in summary the 19th day of April 2023.
Town of Kremmling
/s/ Grover Pryor, Mayor
/s/ Teagan Serres, Town Clerk
Introduced, read, passed, reading by a vote of 7 "yays" to 0 "nays" adopted and ordered published by title and posted on the town's website this 19th Day of April, 2023. Emergency Ordinance No. 708 is in effect immediately upon adoption.
Town of Kremmling
/s/ Grover Pryor, Mayor
Attest: /s/ Teagan Serres, Town Clerk
A complete copy of Ordinance No. 708 is available in the office of the Town Clerk.