October 18, 2023 Agenda

Notice Of Kremmling Board Of Trustees Regular Meeting

200 Eagle Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 6:00 PM

Citizens making comments during Public Comments or Public Hearings should state their names for the record, be topic-specific and limit comments to no longer than five minutes. No Council action is taken on public comments and comments are taken under advisement. If a Council response is appropriate, the individual may receive a formal response at a later date.


Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Conflicts of Interest
Additions/ Deletions to the Agenda

  • Kremmling Area Chamber of Commerce 2024 Funding Request
  • A Bill For An Act: Lodging Property Tax Treatment

Mayoral Announcements, Proclamations & Appointments

  • Employee Recognition

Citizen Comments

(Comments are limited to five minutes.)

Consent Agenda

  • Expenditures Dated September 21, 2023 - October 18, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for September 13, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for September 20, 2023
  • Resolution No. 2023-10-02 A Resolution Of The Town Of Kremmling, Colorado Regarding The Conduct Of A Regular Election

Staff Reports

  • Public Works
  • Kremmling Police Department
  • Town Manager
  • Town Engineer


  • Citizen Dog Park Initiative

Local Liquor Licensing Authority

  1. Public Hearing - Change of Class Application: New Tavern License at 413 Park Avenue, Diggitys Concepts, LLC
  2. Public Hearing - Special Event Permit Application at 210 11th Street, Kremmling Area Chamber of Commerce

New Business

  1. Discussion & Action Item. West Grand School District Update & Tuition Assistance Request. Elizabeth Bauer, West Grand Superintendent Notice Of Kremmling Board Of Trustees Regular Meeting 200 Eagle Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459 Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 6:00 PM Citizens making comments during Public Comments or Public Hearings should state their names for the record, be topic-specific and limit comments to no longer than five minutes. No Council action is taken on public comments and comments are taken under advisement. If a Council response is appropriate, the individual may receive a formal response at a later date.
  2. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-10-03 A Resolution Accepting a Proposal and Awarding a Contract for the 2024 Fourth of July Fireworks Show. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
  3. Discussion Item. IT Capital Project Presentations. Nathan Leroue, Executech & Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
  4. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-10-04 A Resolution Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Expenses and Transfers in Excess of the Amounts Previously Budgeted for the Town Of Kremmling, Colorado. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
    • Public Hearing
    • Debate & Consideration
  5. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-10-05 A Resolution Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to the Conservation Trust Fund in the Amount and for the Purpose as Set Forth Below, for the Town Of Kremmling, Colorado, for the 2023 Budget Year. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
    • Public Hearing
    • Debate and Consideration
  6. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-10-06 A Resolution Appropriating Additional Sums of Money to Defray Expenses and Transfers in Excess of the Amounts Previously Budgeted for The Town of Kremmling, Colorado for the Restricted Reserve. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
    • Public Hearing
    • Debate and Consideration
  7. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-10-07 A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of The Town Of Kremmling, Colorado, Establishing and Adopting A Fee Schedule for The Town. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres
  8. Discussion Item & Action. 2024 Draft Budget & 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan Presentation and Scheduling of Public Hearing. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
  9. Discussion & Action Item. Cancel November 1, 2023 Work Session. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald

Board of Trustees Reports


Future Meetings:

  • Pavilion Ribbon Cutting, Square Scare & Budget Boonanza: October 21, 2023 - 12:45 PM @ Town Square, 203 Park Avenue
  • Board of Trustees Work Session: November 1, 2023 (Cancel)
  • Regular Board of Trustees Meeting: November 15, 2023 - 6 00 PM @ Town Hall