November 8, 2023 Agenda

Notice Of Kremmling Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

200 Eagle Ave. Kremmling, CO 80459
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 6:00 PM

Individuals wishing to make public comments must attend the meeting in person or may submit comments by sending an email to townclerk@townofkremmling.org. The comments will be provided to the Commissioners and added as an addendum to the packet.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Conflicts of Interest

Public Forum


  • Eagle Avenue Subdivision Minor Subdivision Approval Letter
  • Town’s Regulations Regarding Shipping Containers Memo

Consent Agenda

  • Recordings of Proceedings for July 12, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for September 13, 2023

Discussion & Action Items

  • Public Hearing: Use by Special Review, Muddy Creek Cabins Expansion at 315 River Lane, Fortius Capital Partners ℅ Patrick Scanlan

Commissioner Updates
