November 15, 2023 Agenda

Notice Of Kremmling Board Of Trustees Regular Meeting

200 Eagle Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 6:00 PM

Citizens making comments during Public Comments or Public Hearings should state their names for the record, be topic-specific and limit comments to no longer than five minutes. No Council action is taken on public comments and comments are taken under advisement. If a Council response is appropriate, the individual may receive a formal response at a later date.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Conflicts of Interest

Additions/ Deletions to the Agenda


  • Town’s Regulations Regarding Shipping Containers Memo

Mayoral Announcements, Proclamations & Appointments

  • Employee Recognition

Citizen comments.

(Comments are limited to five minutes.) 

Consent Agenda

  • Expenditures Dated October 19, 2023 - November 15, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for October 4, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for October 18, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for October 30, 2023
  • Resolution No. 2023-11-01 A Resolution Authorizing The Town Manager to Sign an Updated 457(B) Participation Agreement with Colorado Retirement Association

Staff Reports

  • Public Works
  • Kremmling Police Department
  • Town Manager
  • Town Engineer

Local Liquor Licensing Authority

  1. Public Hearing - Transfer of Ownership of Retail Liquor Store License Application at 200 Park Avenue, Cold Beer & Whiskey, LLC

New Business

  1. Discussion & Action Item. 2023 Board of Trustees Youth and Senior Donations for the West Grand School District Tuition Assistance Request; and, a donation consideration to the Grand County Housing Authority Senior Programming Assistance Request.
  2. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-11-02 A Resolution Approving A Memorandum Of Understanding With The West Grand School District 1-JT. Police Chief, Jesse Lisenby
  3. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-11-03 A Resolution Approving an Airport Hangar Lease Agreement. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald Notice Of Kremmling Board Of Trustees Regular Meeting 200 Eagle Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459 Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 6:00 PM Citizens making comments during Public Comments or Public Hearings should state their names for the record, be topic-specific and limit comments to no longer than five minutes. No Council action is taken on public comments and comments are taken under advisement. If a Council response is appropriate, the individual may receive a formal response at a later date.
  4. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-11-04 A Resolution Appropriating Additional Sums Of Money To Defray Expenses In Excess Of Amounts Budgeted For Within the Solid Waste Fund For The Town Of Kremmling Colorado. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres
    • Public Hearing
    • Debate & Consideration
  5. Discussion & Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-11-05 A Resolution Appropriating Additional Sums Of Money To Defray Expenses In Excess Of Amounts Budgeted For Within the Water Fund For The Town Of Kremmling Colorado. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres
    • Public Hearing
    • Debate & Consideration
  6. Discussion Item & Action. Public Hearing: 2024 Draft Budget & 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald
  7. Discussion & Action Item. Cancel December 20, 2023 Regular Meeting, Schedule January 3, 2024 Special Meeting and Town Hall Holiday Closures. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald 

Executive Session for a conference with the town water attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b) – Water Rights & Agreements

  1. Report from Executive Session:
    • Discussion, Direction or Action. Water Rights & Agreements.

Board of Trustees Reports


Future Meetings:

  • Board of Trustees Special Meeting: December 6, 2023 - 6:00 PM @ Town Hall
  • *Regular Board of Trustees Meeting: December 20, 2023 - 6 00 PM @ Town Hall 
  • *Meeting Subject to be Canceled