Effective: December 16, 2022
The Monthly Service Fees for residential, multi-user and commercial sewer users within the Kremmling Sanitation District are as follows:
Single Family Residential | $48.25 per Month |
Multi-Family Residential | $48.25 per Month per Unit |
Multi-User and Commercial | $48.25 per Month for first 6,000 gallons of water plus $9.00 per 1,000 gallons over 6,000 gallons. |
Inactive Tap Service Fee | $24.15 per month (Water service in shut-off status or no existing water tap on property) |
Administrative Fee To initiate “Inactive Tap” status | $20.00 |
Tap Fees
The Tap Fees for residential, multi-user and commercial sewer users within the Kremmling Sanitation District are as follows:
Single Family Residential | $5,000.00 |
Multi-Family, Multi-User, and Commercial | $5,000.00 per Single Family Equivalent |
Inspection Fee | $50.00 per tap |
The inspection fee includes the appropriate sewer main tap materials and one inspection visit. If damage occurs to the sewer main during tapping or additional inspection visits are necessary, an additional charge will be based upon the number of hours of the Inspector’s time at a rate of $35.00 per hour and shall be paid prior to activation of the tap.
Monthly sewer service fees will be assessed commencing with the Certificate of Occupancy.