May 8, 2023 Agenda

Kremmling Sanitation District Agenda

Monda, May 8, 2023
6:00 P.M. Meeting to Order

Roll Call

Board Vacancy

Candidate Interviews

Appointment of Board Member to fill vacancy.

Oaths of Office

Hassler and Sammons (4-year terms) (if not done prior to the meeting) Appointee for 2-year term.

(Short recess to file oath(s) with Clerk and Recorder’s office)

Election of Officers

Board President; Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary

Approval of previous regular meeting minutes

Approval of Expenditures

Public Comment 

(Comments limited to 3 minutes per person)

Comments will be received on non-agenda items at this time. No board action can be taken on issues raised at this meeting during public comment. Issues needing further discussion or action will be considered at a later meeting as an agenda item. Please state your name for the record when called upon.

Engineers Report

Operators Report

Managers' Report

  • Update on reuse water franchise agreement with the town.
  • Update on fund discrepancy issue with town.
  • Discussion on rate study
  • SDA Regional Workshop – Granby, Thursday, June 15 (8:00 am – 12:30 pm)

Business Item

  • Discussion and Action on updating Change of Contact form with CDPHE.
  • Discussion and Action on Exhibit A – 2022 for shared employees with the Town of Kremmling
  • Discussion and Action on rate increase for septage receiving.
  • Discussion and Action on approval of Audit Engagement Letter with McMahan

Discussion Items
