March 15, 2023 Minutes

Record of Proceedings Town of Kremmling Regular Town Board Meeting

March 15, 2023

The Board of Trustees, for the Town of Kremmling, met in the Boardroom located at 200 Eagle Avenue, Kremmling, Colorado 80459. With Mayor Grover Pryor presiding, the meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Trustees present: Trustee Miller, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Howell, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Pesch and Mayor Pro Tern Sammons. Staff present: Town Manager Ashley Macdonald, Interim Police Chief Jesse Lisenby, Town Clerk & Treasurer Teagan Serres, Patrol Officer Bryson Hicks, Utility Billing Clerk Caitlin Parks and Accounts Payable Clerk Rebekah Sanguinetti.

Conflicts of Interest: 


Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: 


Mayoral Announcements, Proclamations & Appointments

• Board of Adjustments Appointments
Town Manager Ashley Macdonald presented the two applicants and explained there are currently five vacancies on the Board of Adjustments. Both applications were discussed, and Mayor Pryor requested to interview applicants he had not met before Appointing them. Mayor Prior appointed Christina Sammons to the Board of Adjustments for a term of three years expiring in 2026.

Consent Agenda:

  • Expenditures Dated February 16, 2023 - March 15, 2023, pulled for discussion as New Business Item #1.
  • Amendment to Kremmling Airport Hangar Ground Lease, Bill Elliot and Amendment to Kremmling Airport Hangar Ground Lease, Grand River Aviation pulled for discussion as New Business Item #2.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Sammons motion to approve the Consent Agenda excluding the Expenditures dated February 16, 2023 - March 15, 2023, and both of the Amendments to Kremmling Airport Hangar Ground Leases. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken. All "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Citizen Comments:

Alan Hassler, Range Avenue, commented on the Minutes of the February 15, 2023, meeting regarding the motion following the Executive Session for Town Manager Evaluation and Employment Agreement, questioning the transparency and contents of the contract amendment. Mr. Hassler spoke about the proposed staffing changes at the Police Department and questioned the verbiage of the proposed resolutions. Mr. Hassler asked that the Board support a local department by providing the officers full-time administrative staff support at the Police Department.

Staff Reports:

  • Public Works Report: The Board had no questions regarding the Public Works Report. 
  • Kremmling Police Department Report: The Board had no questions regarding the Kremmling Police Department Report.
  • Town Manager Report: The Board had no questions regarding the Town Manager Report.
  • Town Engineer Report: The Board had no questions regarding the Town Engineer Report.

Local Liquor Licensing Authority:

The Local Liquor Licensing Authority convened at 6:13 PM.

  1. Modification of Premises Application, Kum & Go #909
    Ms. Serres presented the Modification of Premises Application and explained the recent changes to Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses. An amendment was made to Articles 3 and 4 of Title 44 in the Colorado Revised Statutes which converted all Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses to Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine Licenses effective March I, 2023. Any licensed premises must have any Modification of Premises approved by the Local and State Authorities. Trustee Howell motion to approve the modification of premises application for Kum & Go #909. Mayor Pro Tam Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Adjourned as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvened the Town of Kremmling Board of Trustees Regular Meeting at 6:19 PM.

New Business:

  1. Discussion and Action - Expenditures Dated February 16, 2023 - March 15, 2023: This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
    Discussion included the following topics:
  • Clarification regarding the Toughbook purchase for the Police Department.
  • Clarification regarding water attorney invoices.
  • Clarification regarding utility payments.
  • Clarification regarding annual contracted taser payments.
  • Clarification regarding snow removal invoices.
    Trustee Howell motion to approve the Expenditures dated February 16, 2023 - March 15, 2023, in the amount of $247,152.66. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
  1. Discussion and Action - Amendment to Kremmling Airport Hangar Ground Lease, Bill Elliot & Amendment to Kre=ling Airport Hangar Ground Lease, Grand River Aviation:
    This item was pulled from the consent agenda for discussion.
    Discussion included the following topics:
  • Clarification regarding the hangar rent increase.
  • Clarification regarding property ownership of hangars versus the ground.
    Mayor Pro Tem Sammons motion to approve the amendment to Airport Hangar Ground Leases for Bill Elliot and Grand River Aviation. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
  1. Discussion Item - 2023 JAG Grant:
    Interim Chief Lisenby and Officer Hicks informed the Board of a grant they applied for to replace the Police Departments radios in an amount up to $38,737.00 if awarded.
  2. Discussion Item - Utility Billing Clerk Update:
    Ms. Macdonald and Ms. Parks provided the Board with an update regarding the State funded Low Income Housing Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), delinquent utility bill accounts and the water meter replacement project.
  3. Discussion and Action - Resolution No. 2023-03-01 A Resolution Approving the Salaries and Wages for Employees and Positions of the Town of Kremmling For 2023:
    At the March 1, 2023, Work Session, Ms. Macdonald explained challenges associated with recruiting and retaining law enforcement with the pay ranges adopted by the Board in comparison to surrounding and like size agencies. She presented salary study information from Grand County, CML, and compared them to the salary study conducted by the Town 18 months prior. The Board discussed potential solutions. Ms. Macdonald presented two approaches to modify staffing and operations to the Board to fit within the 2023 Budget and sustainable for planning in 2024. Both approaches impact other departments that leave positions unfilled, reduced to part-time, or eliminated for 2- 4 FTE. The salary modifications presented are to increase the Patrol Officers compensation to a range of$35 - $40.32 hr. and the Police Chief to a compensation range of$95,000 - $115,000. The Board discussed potential solutions such as, postponing Capital Expenses for the Police Department adopted in the 2023 Budget, full time versus part time positions and additional benefits/compensation the Town could offer.
    Discussion included the following topics:
  • Clarification regarding the adjustments within the budget.
  • Similar challenges County and Statewide.
  • The need to be competitive with surrounding jurisdictions.
  • The desire to retain a local Police Department.
  • Clarification regarding Patrol Officer training timelines.
  • The Town's relationship with the Grand County Sheriff's Office.
  • Whether or not to include a compensation increase for the Chief.

Trustee Pesch motion to approve Resolution No. 2023-03-01 Option "B" as presented in the packet. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed

  1. Discussion and Action - 2022 Audit Engagement Letter:
    Trustee Bakke motion to authorize the Town Manager to engage with McMahan and Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,000. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Executive Session:

Mayor Pro Tem Sammons motion to enter Executive Session pursuant to 24-6-402(4)(e) C.R.S. Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategy for negotiations; and instructing negotiators. -Workforce Housing at 7:13 PM. Trustee Howell Seconds. Roll Call Vote was taken; Mayor Pro Tern Sammons, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Howell, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Pesch and Trustee Miller. 6 "aye" votes, 0 "nay" votes; Motion Passed.

The Executive Session concluded at 7:37 PM; and no decisions were made during the Executive Session. The recording will reside with Mayor Pryor for 90 days. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Sammons to come out of Executive Session and resume the Regular Meeting at. 7:37 PM. Roll Call Vote was taken; Mayor Pro Tern Sammons, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Howell, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Pesch and Trustee Miller. 6 "aye" votes, 0 "nay" votes; Motion Passed. Town Manager Ashley Macdonald and Town Clerk & Treasurer Teagan Serres were also present during the Executive Session.

Board of Trustee Reports:

Mayor Pro Tem Sammons requested clarification on how to address the citizen comment. The Board of Trustees discussed potential dates to schedule a Board Retreat in April or May.




Mayor Pro Tem Sammons motion to adjourn. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.