January 18, 2023 Minutes

Record of Proceedings Town of Kremmling Regular Town Board Meeting

January 18, 2023

The Board of Trustees, for the Town of Kremmling, met in the Boardroom located at 200 Eagle Avenue, Kremmling, Colorado 80459. With Mayor Grover Pryor presiding, the meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Trustees present: Trustee Miller, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Howell, Trustee Prewitt and Trustee Pesch. Mayor Pro Tern Sammons absent. Staff present: Town Manager Ashley Macdonald, Public Works Director Dillon Willson, Interim Police Chief Jesse Lisenby, Deputy Town Clerk Teagan Serres and Utility Billing Clerk Caitlin Parks.

Conflicts of Interest: None.

Additions/Deletions to the Agenda:

Mayor Pryor moved New Business Item 7 to New Business Item 2. 

Consent Agenda:

Expenditures Dated December 22, 2022 - January 18, 2023, pulled for discussion as New Business Item 8.

Trustee Howell Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda excluding Expenditures dated December 22, 2022- January 18, 2023. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Citizen Comments:

Jeff Ward, Central Avenue, requested the Town to enforce the snow plowing Ordinances and stated that Town's snow plowing is rushed and sloppy.

Mayoral Announcements, Proclamations, and Appointment:

  • Appointment and Oath of Office of Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres, Resolution No. 2023-01-02 A Resolution Appointing Teagan Serres as Town Clerk & Treasurer for the Town of Kremmling.

Trustee Bakke motion to appoint Teagan Serres as Town Clerk & Treasurer and approve Resolution 2023-01-02 as written. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Mayor Pryor led Ms. Serres in her Oath of Office.


  1. 2023 Bi-Annual Update, Grand County Board of Commissioners District 3 Commissioner Randy George provided the Grand County Board of Commissioners 2023 Bi-Annual Update. Commissioner George explained the County Commissioners have many projects in line to improve roads in Grand County. The County Commissioners have also held several Work Sessions to explore possible changes to the Open Lands, Rivers and Trails Committee. The County Commissioners are also exploring possible long-term solutions to address assisting senior citizens and housing adversities.
  2. West Grand Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Lorena Lott, WGSD Lorena Lott, West Grand Business Teacher, and Samuel Miller, West Grand Art Teacher, presented the Japan Trip itinerary and what the FBLA members will learn on the trip. Students Brandon Dale, Nuelani Martinez, Wyatt Guthrie and William Parmenter were also present to explain their desires to attend the Japan FBLA trip.

Staff Reports:

Public Works Report: 

The Board of Trustees did not have any questions regarding the Public Works Report.

Kremmling Police Department Report: 

Chief Lisenby provided the Board with an update regarding the Capital Purchase of the Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 fleet vehicle and informed the Board that the markings on the vehicle were not included in the amount approved at the January 4, 2023, Special Meeting and it will be an additional $1,500. TRUSTEE PREWITT requested clarification regarding the solar speed detection trailer at the East end of Town. TRUSTEE BAK.KE requested an update regarding the removal of vehicles that have been marked with orange stickers that are inhibiting snow plowing and removal.

Town Manager Report: 

The Board of Trustees did not have any questions regarding the Town Manager Report.

New Business:

  1. Discussion and Action 2023 Mosquito Mitigation Contract:
    Mayor Pro Tern Sammons was present via phone for discussion of New Business Item 1. Ms. Macdonald explained that the Board has two vendors for consideration this year, Vector Disease Control International, LLC that provides ground and aerial services and Achlys, LLC that provides ground and drone application services. Brad Nelson, Achlys, LLC, was present at the meeting to inform the Board of his company's scope of services.
    Discussion included the following topics:
    • The range of services provided within and outside of Town limits.
    • The need for aerial application.

Trustee Bakke Motion to table the 2023 Mosquito Mitigation Contract for the February 1, 2023, Special Meeting. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

  1.  Discussion and Action - Pavilion Project Approval:
    Mr. Willson explained the history of the pavilion replacement project; In 2021, the Old Town square pavilion was deemed unsafe by the yearly CIRSA audit, and the replacement of the pavilion has been identified as a Capital Project in the 2023 Budget. In Spring of 2022 the Board of Trustees directed staff to demolish and replace the pavilion before Kremmling Days 2023. During the Summer of 2022, staff began collecting bids and designs for packaged design plans for pavilions per the Town Engineers feedback. In August 2022, the Board of Trustees opted to table the discussion to all for additional community feedback. In November 2022, the Pavilion was demolished. In December 2022, the decision was tabled to January 2023 due to the Budget approval. Mr. Willson recommended the steel pavilion design from Smith Steel Works. Michele Mierzykowski presented the community build design.
    Discussion included the following topics:
    • Clarification regarding the dimensions and orientation of the community design.
    • Clarification regarding the doors on the community design.
    • Clarification regarding labor and material bids.
    • Clarification regarding the construction timeline.
    • The possibility of grants and other funding opportunities.
    • The maintenance and longevity of wood versus steel.

Trustee Bakke Motion to Approve the community designed pavilion subject to attorney review and approval and in an amount not to exceed $115,000. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

  1. Discussion and Action -Resolution No. 2023-01-03 A Resolution Accepting the Water Treatment Plant Project Needs Assessment (WTP PNA) And Authorizing the Town Manager to Commence the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Process for the WTPPNA: Ms. Macdonald presented the WTP PNA and explained the CMAR process.

Trustee Bakke Motion to Approve Resolution 2023-01-03 as written. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

  1. Discussion and Action -Authorizing the Town Manager to Execute a Request for Proposal (RFP) For Paving Bids: Trustee Howell Motion to Authorize the Town Manager to execute an RFP for paving bids. Trustee Miller Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye votes. Motion Passed
  2.  Discussion Item - Adoption of 2023 Work Session and Regular Meeting Calendar: Trustee Howell Motion to Adopts the 2023 Work Session and Regular Meeting calendar as presented in the packet. Trustee Pewitt Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed
  3. Resolution No. 2023-01-04 A resolution designating public places within the town of Kremmling for posting of Public Notices and Designation for Legal Publications for the town of Kremmling. Colorado:
    Trustee Howell motion to approve Resolution No. 2023-01-04 as written. Trustee Prewitt seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion passed. 
  4. Resolution No. 2023-01-05 A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Kremmling. Colorado. Establishing And Adopting a Fee Schedule for the Town: Ms. Macdonald presented two proposed fee schedules for 2023. Trustee Prewitt motion to approve Resolution No. 2023-01-04 as written including "Exhibit B". Trustee Pesch seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
  5. Expenditures Dated December 22. 2022 - January 18. 2023: This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Discussion included the following topics:
    • Clarification regarding the Grand County vehicle maintenance bills.
    • The desire to utilize local mechanics for vehicle maintenance and repairs.
    • Clarification regarding legal requirements for maintenance on Police vehicles.
    • Clarification regarding the status of the Flock Cameras.

Trustee Howell motion to approve the Expenditure dated December 22, 2023 - January 18, 2023, in the amount of$196,193.16. Trustee Miller seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.

Board of Trustee Reports:

Trustee Bakke reported the flag at the West end of Town is beginning to tatter and the light needs replaced.
Other: Ms. Macdonald informed the Board that according to the Comprehensive Financial Management Policies the Town Manager must receive permission from the Board of Trustees in order to start applying for grants. The Board of Trustees gave Ms. Macdonald permission to seek out grants. Ms. Macdonald informed the Board that she wishes to attend a Managers Conference in April.


Trustee Bakke Motion to Adjourn. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. 

Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 PM.