Notice of Kremmling Board of Trustees Social Event - Middle Park Medical Foundation Country BASH
McElroy Airfield New Hangar #19, 1701 Eagle Avenue, Kremmling, CO 80459
Friday, October 4, 2024, 5:30 PM
Three or more Board Members may be present at the Social Event. No action will be taken during the Social Event.
1. Country BASH 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM
The Middle Park Medical Foundation and Grand River Aviation, LLC are hosting a hangar dance fundraiser to restore the Kremmling Wellness Center Gym, Plank by Plank. The goal of the First Annual Country BASH is to support the Plank by Plank campaign to restore the Kremmling Wellness Center Gym to create a space for the Kremmling community to engage in healthy activities and maintain independence. The Middle Park Medical Foundation has raised roughly $325,000 of the required $500,000 to qualify for a 100% match on those funds. Please join the community to assist the Middle Park Medical Foundation reach this goal so they may provide a much needed modern gymnasium for all members of the community. For tickets, donations, and more information please visit this website, or call 970-531-7759.