Record of Proceedings Town of Kremmling Regular Town Board Meeting
February 15, 2023
The Board of Trustees, for the Town of Kremmling, met in the Boardroom located at 200 Eagle Avenue, Kremmling, Colorado 80459. With Mayor Grover Pryor presiding, the meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Trustees present: Trustee Miller, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Howell, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Pesch and Mayor Pro Tern Sammons. Staff present: Town Manager Ashley Macdonald, Public Works Director Dillon Willson, Interim Police Chief Jesse Lisenby, Town Clerk & Treasurer Teagan Serres, Code Enforcement Official Gary Green and Accounts Payable Clerk Rebekah Sanguinetti.
Conflicts of Interest: None.
Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: None.
Consent Agenda:
Trustee Miller motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed
Citizen Comments:
Christina Sammons, I0th Street, commented that the Kremmling Police Department is doing a great job of slowing down incoming traffic on Highway 9. Mrs. Sammons also requested the Town to work with CDOT to improve the signage on County Road 396 to inhibit out of town traffic and large trucks from entering and cutting through Town on County Road 396. Alan Hassler, Range Avenue, commented if the Town improves the signage on County Road 396 it should also be done on the rest of the side streets that are often also used by out-of-town traffic and large trucks that are not designed for heavy traffic.
Staff Reports:
- Public Works Report: Trustee Pesch requested clarification regarding the snow that was moved to the Town Square. Mr. Willson explained snow storage locations are running out and there is a plan in place to move the snow again in order to not inhibit construction of the new pavilion.
- Kremmling Police Department Report: Trustee Howell requested clarification regarding High Visibility Enforcement (HVE). Chief Lisenby explained it is a State run program Officer Hicks participates in and includes out of Town traffic stops and violations. Trustee Howell requested to see a separation of phone calls and initiated calls for service on future reports. Trustee Prewitt requested an update regarding the solar radar speed detection sign. Chief Lisenby confirmed it has been repaired.
- Town Manager Report: Trustee Howell requested clarification regarding the Highway 40 passing lane. Ms. Macdonald confirmed the project is a top priority for Grand County and the project will commence even if a Grant is not awarded. Trustee Pesch requested an update regarding the Grand Cliffs Subdivision. Ms. Macdonald explained the Subdivision is in very early stages and a meeting with the developer is scheduled for February 16, 2023. Trustee Miller congratulated Ms. Macdonald on her hard work and receiving the CTF grant from the County to offset the cost of the new pavilion.
Local Liquor Licensing Authority:
- The Local Liquor Licensing Authority convened at 6:15 PM. Public Hearing: Transfer of Ownership of the GOW, LLC Hotel & Restaurant Liquor License, Applicant: Hugh Wheatley.
Ms. Serres presented the GOW, LLC has submitted the proper paperwork for a Transfer of Ownership. Review of the application found the establishment in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State, is current with Sales Tax, and legally possesses the premises. KPD reported no issues directly related to the establishments liquor license, no issues were found during a visual inspection of the premises, proper Public Notice has been posted and no complaints have been filed with the Town Clerk to date.
Trustee Bakke motion to open the Public Hearing at 6:18 PM. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
Alan Hassler, Range Avenue, spoke in favor of the Transfer of Ownership to Hugh Wheatley. Mayor Pro Tem Sammons to close the Public Hearing at 6:19 PM. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
Trustee Pesch motion to approve the Transfer of Ownership of the GOW, LLC Hotel & Restaurant Liquor License to Hugh Wheatley. Trustee Howell Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed
Adjourned as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvened the Town of Kremmling
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting at 6:19 PM.
New Business:
Discussion and Action Expenditures Dated January 19. 2023 - February 15, 2023:
- Discussion included the following topics:
- Clarification regarding the Property & Liability and Workers Compensation payments.
- Clarification regarding the Grand Cliffs Subdivision invoices.
- Clarification regarding contracted snow removal invoices.
Mayor Pro Tem Sammons Motion to approve the Expenditures Dated January 19, 2023 - February 15, 2023, in the amount of$194,352.94. Trustee Pesch Seconds. Voice vote taken; five "aye" votes, one "nay" vote. Motion Passed.
Discussion and Action - Resolution No. 2023-02-03 A Resolution Adopting a Three Mile Plan:
Ms. Serres presented Resolution No. 2023-02-03 and the Three Mile Planning Area. Discussion included the following topics:
- Clarification regarding the requirements of the State Statute. Mayor Pro Tem Sammons motion to approve Resolution No. 2023-02-03 as presented in the packet. Trustee Miller Seconds Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed.
Discussion Item - Solid Waste Request for Proposal (RFP) Discussion:
Mr. Willson presented a draft RFP and staff recommendations. Staff is looking for direction from the Board for adjustments to the RFP before it goes out for bid.
- Discussion included the following topics:
- The community needs the recycling and large item drop off currently offered, especially with a new Code Enforcement Official.
- Clarification regarding curbside recycling options.
- The option of the Town not contracting a Solid Waste Provider and citizens choosing their own provider.
Executive Session:
Mayor Pro Tem Sammons Motion to enter Executive Sessions pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e) and 24-6-402(4)(g) for determining positions and developing strategy relative to matters that may be subject to negotiation, and for consideration of documents protected by the mandatory nondisclosure provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, in relation to discussion of - Town Manager Evaluation and Employment Agreement at 6:47 PM. Trustee Miller Seconds. Roll Call Vote was taken, Mayor Pro Tern Sammons, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Howell, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Pesch and Trustee Miller. 6 "aye" votes, 0 "nay" votes; Motion Passed.
The Executive Session concluded at 9:30 PM; and no decisions were made during the Executive Session. The recording will reside with Mayor Pryor for 90 days. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Sammons to come out of Executive Session and resume the Regular Meeting at. 9:30 PM. Roll Call Vote was taken; Mayor Pro Tern Sammons, Trustee Prewitt, Trustee Howell, Trustee Bakke, Trustee Pesch and Trustee Miller. 6 "aye" votes, 0 "nay" votes; Motion Passed. Town Manager Ashley Macdonald, Interim Police Chief Jesse Lisenby and Code Enforcement Official Gary Green were also present during the Executive Session.
Discussion and Action - Town Manager Contract Amendment:
Mayor Pro Tem Sammons to authorize Mayor Pryor to amend the Town Manager Contract as discussed during executive session. Trustee Hollow Seconds. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes. Motion Passed
Board of Trustee Reports:
Trustee Bakke reported he wishes the Board of Trustees to reaffirm their support of the Second Amendment and send a letter stating this to the Speaker of the House. Mayor Pro Tem Sammons reported the Board can also reaffirm their support of the Second Amendment to the Grand County Sheriff's Office.
Mayor Pro Tem Sammons Motion to Adjourn. Voice vote taken; all "aye" votes.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:34 PM.