February 15, 2023 Agenda

Notice of Kremmling Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

200 Eagle Ave, Kremmling, CO 80459
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 6:00 PM

Citizens making comments during Public Comments or Public Hearings should state their names for the record, be topic-specific and limit comments to no longer than five minutes. No Council action is taken on public comments and comments are taken under advisement. If a Council response is appropriate, the individual may receive a formal response at a later date.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Conflicts of Interest

Additions/ Deletions to the Agenda

Consent Agenda

  • Recordings of Proceedings for January 18, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for February 1, 2023
  • Recordings of Proceedings for February 8, 2023
  • Resolution No. 2022-02-01 A Resolution Of The Board Of Trustees Of The Town Of Kremmling,   Colorado, Approving Revised Employee Handbook
  • Resolution No. 2022-02-02 A Resolution To Adopt The Comprehensive Financial Policy, Embodying All Town Financial Policies Into One Document
  • Annual Renewal of West End Retail Liquor License

Citizen comments. 

(Comments are limited to five minutes.)

Staff Reports

  • Public Works Report
  • Kremmling Police Department Report
  • Town Manager Report

Local Liquor Licensing Authority

  1. Public Hearing: Transfer of Ownership of The GOW, LLC Hotel & Restaurant Liquor License, Applicant: Hugh Wheatley. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres

New Business

  1. Discussion/Action Item. Expenditures Dated January 19, 2023 - February 15, 2023. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres
  2. Discussion/Action Item. Resolution No. 2023-02-03 A Resolution Adopting A Three Mile Plan. Town Clerk & Treasurer, Teagan Serres
  3. Discussion Item. Solid Waste Request for Proposal (RFP) Discussion. Public Works Director, Dillon Willson

    Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e) and 24-6-402(4)(g) for determining positions and developing strategy relative to matters that may be subject to negotiation, and for consideration of documents protected by the mandatory nondisclosure provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, in relation to discussion of - Town Manager employment agreement.
  4. Discussion/Action Item. Town Manager Contract Amendment. Town Manager, Ashley Macdonald

Board of Trustee Reports



Future Meetings:

  • Work Session: March 1, 2023 - 6 PM @ Town Hall
  • Regular Board of Trustee Meeting: March 15, 2023 - 6 PM @ Town Hall
  • Work Session: April 5, 2023 - 6 PM @ Town Hall