February 8, 2023 Agenda

Notice of Kremmling Planning and Zoning Commission

200 Eagle Ave. Kremmling, CO 80459
Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 6:00 PM

Individuals wishing to make public comments must attend the meeting in person or may submit comments by sending an email to townclerk@townofkremmling.org. The comments will be provided to the Commissioners and added as an addendum to the packet.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Conflicts of Interest

Additions to or Deletion from the agenda

Public Forum

  1. Consent Agenda
    • Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2022
  2. Discussion Agenda
    • Planning Director Updates
    • Comprehensive Plan Update Discussion
    • Term Expirations
    • Planning Chair Updates
  3. Other Business
    • None
  4. Future Agenda
  5. Adjournment